Legal Status

The Foundation is governed by strict by-laws ensuring the continuing independency, non-profit nature and transparency. This also ensures that the finances are properly managed, all costs of the Schemes are as low as possible and there is no funding to other organizations or individuals. The Foundation facilitates and owns the Schemes and manages its use by licensed certification bodies. The FSSC 22000 and FSSC 24000 ownership of the Schemes have its legal ground in copy-, trademark- and other intellectual property rights under Dutch and international law.

The Foundation has its registered office in the Netherlands and its place of business at the Stationsweg 35, 4205 AA, in the city of Gorinchem (The Netherlands).

The Foundation is governed by Dutch law and is a not for profit, legal entity, which means the Foundation has no shareholders.

The Foundation, its Board members and its Articles of Association are registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under statuaries board number 64112403.

The objectives of the Foundation as stated in the Articles of Association are:

  1. promoting the application of food safety and quality management systems;
  2. developing, designing, managing and amending food safety certification and inspection systems in the field of food safety and quality;
  3. promoting national and international recognition and general acceptance of systems it has developed for food safety and quality;
  4. running information campaigns and providing information on food safety and quality;
  5. providing support services for certification of food safety systems in the field of food safety and quality;
  6. performing all other actions that are related in the broadest possible sense with the aforementioned or that could in any way be beneficial to it.

For further information or questions regarding the legal status of FSSC 22000, FSSC 24000, the functioning of the Management Team or the Board of Stakeholders, please contact us.

FSSC schemes are owned by a legal entity under Dutch law, called the Foundation FSSC.