Become FSSC 22000 Certified

Learn more about the requirements and the steps you need to take to become FSSC 22000 certified.

Where to begin?

The FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System (FSMS) Certification Scheme incorporates the requirements of the international standard ISO 22000, the technical specifications for sector-specific Pre-Requisite Programs (PRPs), and FSSC 22000 Scheme Requirements (including Part 2 Additional Requirements, BoS Decision List and Scheme Interpretation Articles). To become FSSC 22000 certified, it is thus mandatory for organizations to meet the requirements of each of the three elements that make up FSSC 22000.  

Steps towards certification

  • 1. Identify what you must implement  

    – ISO 22000 Standard.

    – The relevant technical specifications for sector-specific Pre-Requisite Programs (PRPs – ISO/TS standards and BSI PAS).

    – FSSC 22000 Scheme Requirements (including Part 2 Additional Requirements, BoS Decision List, and Scheme Interpretation Articles).

  • 2. Ensure appropriate implementation  

    – Download the FSSC 22000 Scheme Interpretation Articles

    – Download the FSSC 22000 Guidance Documents


    – Contact an external expert for additional support.

    – Request a pre-assessment to identify any potential gaps against the requirements from an FSSC-licensed Certification Body.

    – SMEs can consider using a stepping-stone approach toward certification with the: FSSC 22000 Development Program

  • 3. Validate your implementation of the requirements 

    – Find an FSSC-licensed Certification Body.

    – Arrange an initial certification audit by a licensed Certification Body.

  • 4. Obtain and Maintain Certification

    – Registration of the initial certificate by the Certification Body.

    – Annual surveillance audits.

    – Recertification audit once every three years.

1. Identify what you must implement

FSSC 22000 Scheme Requirements
Alongside ISO 22000 and the sector-specific PRPs, the FSSC 22000 Scheme Requirements must be met to become FSSC 22000 certified. These include the FSSC 22000 Additional Requirements, detailed under Part 2 of the Scheme Document, the BoS Decision List, and the Scheme Interpretation Articles. Visit the FSSC 22000 Scheme Documents page on our website to download all FSSC 22000 Scheme Requirements free of charge.

ISO 22000 Standard as part of the FSSC 22000 Scheme
Aligned with the ISO-harmonized structure and the ISO management approach, FSSC 22000 is built upon the international ISO 22000 standard, which is an integral component of the FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System Certification Scheme. Download the ISO 22000 standard.

Sector-specific requirements as part of the FSSC 22000 Scheme
In addition to implementing ISO 22000, organizations need to identify sector-specific requirements that are relevant to the nature of their business. These specific Pre-Requisite Programs (PRPs) specifications apply to organizations involved in food manufacturing, catering, packaging manufacturing, transport and storage, animal feed, and retail and wholesale.

If your organization is active in one of the above, download the PRP specification relevant to your business from the corresponding website:

2. Ensure appropriate implementation

Upon download of the ISO 22000 standard, the relevant PRP, and the FSSC 22000 Version 6 Scheme documents, you have gathered the mandatory requirements for an FSSC 22000 certification.

Interpretation Articles
Alongside the Scheme documents, the Foundation publishes interpretation articles for further clarification on certain additional Scheme requirements and their correct application. Interpretation articles are published for selected requirements. Their implementation is mandatory. Download the FSSC 22000 interpretation articles to ensure the correct implementation of selected requirements.

Guidance Documents
Alongside interpretation articles, Foundation FSSC publishes Guidance Documents. Guidance Documents intend to assist organizations with implementing and managing the FSSC 22000 Certification. Guidance Documents are not mandatory, however, we highly recommend you utilize these resources. FSSC 22000 Scheme Version 6 Guidance Documents are available for the additional requirements on Environmental Monitoring, Equipment Management, Food Defense, Food Fraud Mitigation, Food Loss and Waste, Food Safety and Quality Culture, and Transport Tank Cleaning. You can download the FSSC Guidance documents free of charge.

Additional Support
If desired, complete a self-assessment against the requirements with the possible support of an external expert, or contact a training organization for additional support on how to prepare for your FSMS certification audit building food safety capacity. An organization can also request a FSSC licensed CB to undertake a pre-assessment against the requirements.

FSSC 22000 Development Program
To support small and medium-sized organizations (SMEs) in their process toward FSSC 22000 certification, Foundation FSSC offers the FSSC 22000 Development Program. The FSSC 22000 Development Program provides a stepping-stone approach that supports SMEs in meeting minimum food safety requirements and eventually allows them to proceed to GFSI-recognized FSSC 22000 certification.

3. Validate your implementation of the requirements

Find an FSSC-licensed Certification Body.

Arrange an audit by a licensed Certification Body for the FSSC 22000 Scheme.

4. Obtain and Maintain Certification

Once the audit is deemed successful, the Certification Body will register the certificate, after which it will appear in the Public Register.

To ensure the integrity of your certification, annual surveillance audits will be conducted, including one unannounced audit every three years.

To stay certified, a recertification audit is mandatory every three years.