Using FSSC 22000 certification to meet FSMA

An early comparison of FSSC 22000 (Food Manufacturing Scope) by The Acheson Group (TAG) against the FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule (PCHF) suggested that for the most part the FSSC 22000 scheme requirements were “in large measure comparable to those of the FSMA Final Rule” (TAG, April 2016).

However, some requirements in the PCHF Rule have been identified as either “being different” from the provisions of FSSC 22000 or as being “more specific” in how they must be addressed to achieve compliance. To clarify these differences and to help organizations use FSSC 22000 certification as a tool to meet the requirements of the FSMA regulations, a line-by-line comparison of the two sets of requirements has been completed. It is published as “FSSC 22000-FSMA Alignment – September 2017.

In addition, a supplement that expands on those areas where FSMA demands more specific detail than is required by FSCC 22000 has also been produced. Together the documents are intended to help FSSC 22000 certified organizations integrate the requirements of the FSMA PCHF Rule into their Food Safety Management System (FSMS), thus avoiding the need for two separate food safety plans. It will help to facilitate completing a self-assessment against the requirements of the PCHF Rule. US importers could use it to determine what FSSC 22000 certification means relative to the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) requirements.

Similar comparisons are planned to be developed for the Preventive Control for Animal Feed Rule (PCAF) against the FSSC 22000 Animal Feed scope and the Sanitary Transport Rule against the FSSC 22000 Storage and Transportation scope.

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