Nannerl GmbH & Co KG
Organization details
FSSC 22000
Certificate valid until
Gewerbestr. 7
5102 - Anthering bei Salzburg, -, Austria
Scope statement
Development and production of liqueurs, fine spirits, alcoholic fruits, fruit juice concentrates and fruit syrups, soups, sauces, seasonings, desserts, toppings and spices for gas-tronomy, bulk consumers, food industry, retail and whole-sale. Formulation development, raw material procurement, raw material storage, mixing (powder and liquid), filling and labeling of food supplements. Manufacturing of liquid and powdered food supplements. Filling into glass jars and cans in various sizes. Category CIV,K
FSSC 22000 Category
CIV Processing of ambient stable products
K Production of (Bio) Chemicals
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